Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 26, 2011

And one more makes 3!!

William Roper Hines
August 17, 2011
8:25 p.m.
8.1 Pounds
19 1/4 Inches Long

How great is God??  How amazing is He by blessing us all when we are all so undeserving??  As a Christian I know there are multiple times on a daily basis that I fail Him and even though I know I don't deserve all He has given me, I can not express my new found love and thankfulness for my son, Roper.  This is probably going to be an emotional post for me.  I'm starting it on Tuesday night.  Let's see just how long it takes me to finish...

After about 14 hours of labor Roper graced us with his presence.  I only had about 2-3 hours of "painful" labor.  Overall the whole day went very smoothly and quicker than I imagined.  I had a great team of labor and delivery nurses taking care of me.  Curt and my mom took good care of me too throughout the day and I'm so grateful to both of them.  Even though I had to ask Curt to quit being silly at one point and I asked my mom not to rub on my hand, they both got me through the day and did whatever they could to help me stay comfortable.  As I said, Roper was born on Wednesday night.  We had lots of visitors on Thursday!  We packed our bags and headed home on Friday!!  Before being discharged we were made aware by the doctor on call that Roper's bilirubin level wasn't anything to panic over but that it was 11.5.  (It's now Saturday night)  Instead of coming back two days later for a two day check-up we went back Saturday morning.  Because of a shortage of "biliblankets" Roper had to be readmitted and I think my heart literally broke into pieces.  How in the world was I supposed to NOT take my brand new baby back to his home?!  So after breaking down and Curt lending his two tall shoulders for me to cry on we headed back two.  Sunday morning we got up and headed back to the Women's center to see our baby.  It was a long day Sunday but after another bilirubin check at 4, Roper's level had come down enough that by 6 we were headed back three!!  One more check-up Monday morning and his bilirubin level was now low enough that we did not have to go back!  THANK YOU JESUS!

My mom, most recently known as Granmomma, has spent the entire week with us.  God has blessed me with the "WORLD'S GREATEST MOM" ever!  Just having her here and being just as much as an emotional support as much as she was a hands on support is something that Curt and I will never truly be able to repay her for!  My prayer now is that I will be the best parent I can be to Roper and will instill all the wonderful things my mom did and still does for me.

Curt...what can I possibly say about Curt.  Throughout my entire pregnancy Curt has been my number 1 cheerleader and the one to keep me focused and excited!  Obviously I love my husband, but now, after seeing him with our son, it has taken that love to a whole other place that I didn't even know existed.

I know I have probably said this before but I am so excited about this new chapter in my life and I hope to blog about our life with Roper as much as possible!

Enjoy a FEW pics from August 17th up until today, Saturday, August 26!

great grandparents

proud daddy

first fam pic

zoe was excited about baby roper

time to go home...for the first time 
brad was super excited about being home to meet roper

my mom and i got pedis the day before roper was for boy...of course

i just love her

lindsey and brandon came to welcome roper

my awesome l&d nurse

time to push

so excited

no telling what she's already telling him

rachel was here, too

another great grand

excuse that little toboggan

cousin caris

how beau looked after hearing roper cry for the first time

our little super hero

will...our brother from another mother

our matching family bracelets

and another great grand

3 generations.  pawpaw turns 90 on sept 1

our first sponge bath

marley hanging out in the nursery

proud granddaddy

happy one week

he already has my heart


  1. Oh. Em. Gee. This post SO made me tear up!! I LOVE all the pictures, but there are some that are just precious!! The one of your mom giving you a kiss, the matching arm band pic, the generations pic with Curts grandfather and the one week family pic (that you look FABULOUS in by the way!!) are my favs!!

    I LOVE you guys and SO can not wait to meet your little super hero AND join you guys in the wonderful world of parenting- if Finley would just that memo too! =)

  2. i love the family bracelets pic! it's the ultimate friendship bracelet! glad you are resting & healing up. i think i feel a Felicity marathon & pineapple pizza coming on!!!! Leanna Wheels!!!!!! Go push your baby out so i can see Mini Wheels!!!!!

  3. So happy for you all!!! Roper is adorable and very loved by all! The pics are great. Many fun days to come! :)
